Address whitelists

General information

Address whitelist allows you to limit the addresses for sending funds from a global wallet. It means that you cannot send funds from a global wallet to addresses that are not in the whitelist.

On the Address whitelists page, you can find information about the address whitelists and view their details.

You can use filters to search for a specific address whitelist. To expand all filters, click the down arrow at the top of the table.

You can filter the address whitelists by the following criteria:

  • ID — enter the address whitelist identifier.

  • Label — enter the address whitelist name.

  • Address — enter the address for payouts from the linked wallets.

  • Blockchain wallet — select the blockchain wallet.

  • Created at — select the time period when the address whitelists were created.

  • Wallet — select the wallet.

  • Currency — select the wallet currency.

Click the check mark icon to apply the filters. To reset filters, click the cross icon.

On the Service > Address whitelists page, you can find the following information:


The address whitelist identifier.


The address whitelist name.


The address for payouts from the linked wallets.

Linked entity

The wallet, linked to the specified address.

Created at

The date and time when an address whitelist was created.

Create a new address whitelist

To create a new address whitelist, click the New button and fill out the following:

  • Label — specify the address whitelist name.

  • Blockchain wallet — select the blockchain wallet from the drop-down list.

  • Wallet — select the wallet from the drop-down list.

  • Address — this field is required. Enter the wallet address.

After specifying the required options, click Save to apply the changes.

Address whitelist details

To view address whitelist details, click the address whitelist ID. On the page that is displayed, you can view the detailed information about the address whitelist.

The details page features two sections: Info and Operation log.

In the Info section you can view the following fields:


The address for payouts from the linked wallets.


The address whitelist name.


The wallet name.

Blockchain wallet

The blockchain wallet. Click the link to navigate to the blockchain wallet details.


The wallet currency.

Created at

The date and time when an address whitelist was created.

Updated at

The date and time when an address whitelist was updated.

In the Operation log section you can view a log of notifications about all past events related to the selected address whitelist.

Each notification indicates the event name, the reason why the notification was sent, comment and the initiator of the event, as well as the date and time when the event has occurred.

To remove an address whitelist, click the Remove button.