General information

On the KYC page, you can find information about the registered clients and their KYC status.

To filter the page data, click the down arrow located at the top of the table and adjust the following filter parameters:

  • ID — the system identifier of a KYC item.

  • Type — the client type (Enterprise, Merchant or both).

  • Email — the email address of a client.

  • Group — the group to which a client belongs. Possible values:

    • Merchant owner

    • Enterprise owner

    • Email not verified

    • KYC not verified

  • First Name — the client’s first name.

  • Last name — the client’s last name.

  • External ID — [TBD]

  • active — the activity status of a client.

On the Compliance > KYC page, the following data is provided about each KYC:

  • ID The autogenerated identification number for each client. By clicking on this item you can view detailed information about that specific KYC.

  • Email The client’s email address.

  • Contact The client’s contact info including fullname and/or phone number

  • Active Indicates whether the client’s account is active. It can be either (Active or Ianctive).

  • Type The client’s account type: Enterprise or Merchant.

  • Group The group in which the user is currently added and can be highlighted as follows:

    • API — the client was granted API permissions. This client has limited access rights and should be linked to a company.

    • Email not verified — the client has been registered in the system and requires an email confirmation.

    • Enterprise owner — the Enterprise client has passed level 1 of the KYC verification.

    • Enterprise staff — the new enterprise client that was invited to a wallet by the wallet’s owner.

    • KYC not verified — the client has to pass KYC verification to get access to the system.

    • Legal merchant owner — the Merchant client has passed level 2 of the KYC verification and was granted a permission to make bank withdrawals.

    • Legal merchant staff — the new merchant client that was invited to a legal merchant wallet by the wallet’s owner.

    • Merchant owner — the Merchant client has passed level 1 of the KYC verification.

    • Merchant staff — the new merchant client that was invited to a merchant wallet by the wallet’s owner.

    • Phone not verified — the client’s phone number confirmation is required.

  • Registration date

    The date and time when a client was registered in the system.

Client details

To view clients details, click the on its ID column.

The details page is divided into KYC user, Documents, and Company users tabs. To navigate between them, click the menu button (☰) displayed in the right part of the page.

KYC user

  • External ID The autogenerated identification number of the client.

  • First name The client’s Firstname.

  • Last name The client’s Lastanem.

  • Phone The client’s Phone number.

  • Email The client’s Email address.

  • Type The client’s type.

  • Current group The client’s currenct group.

  • Next group The client’s next group.

  • Registration date The client’s registration date and time.

  • Is active (Yes or No)

Documents [TBD]

Company users

In this tab you can view a list of company users. Each item contains the following data:

  • Email The client email address.

  • Group The client group.

  • User status The client status which can be either Active or Inactive