
General information

On the Companies page, you can view or manage companies in B2BinPay.

To filter the page data, click the down arrow located at the top of the table and adjust the following filter parameters:

  • ID — the company’s identifier in the Back Office.

  • Owner — the company owner’s email address.

  • Name — the name of the company.

  • Company type — the group to which a lead belongs. Possible values:

    • Merchant

    • Enterprise

Click the check mark icon to apply the filters. To reset filters, click the cross icon.

On the Users > Companies page, the following data is provided about each company:


The system identifier of a lead.


Name of the company.

Registration date

The date and time when the company was registered in the system.


The company type (Enterprise or Merchant).

Company details


To view a company details, click on the company ID.

The details page features two serctions. The one on the right is Company profile and the one on the right is Company details

Company profile

On this serction, you can view and edit the following company information:

  • Name The company name.

  • Country of registration A dropdown containing name of the countries.

  • Business site [TBD]

  • Business type [TBD]

  • Company address [TBD]

  • Employees number [TBD]

  • Legal name of company [TBD]

  • Other contact info [TBD]

  • Communication language The language that a client has selected as preferred communication language.

  • Registration number [TBD]

  • Business description [TBD]

  • Business operations area [TBD]

If you updated any of the fields, click Save to apply the changes.

Company details

On this serction, you can view and edit the following company information:

  • Company`s name

  • Company`s owner

  • API user

  • Registration date