Global wallets

General information

On the Global wallets page, you can find information about all global wallets stored in the system.

You can use filters to search for a specific global wallet. To expand all filters, click the down arrow at the top of the table.

You can filter global wallets by the following criteria:

  • ID — the system identifier of a global wallet.

  • Node connection — the node to which a global wallet is connected.

  • Created at — the date and time when a global wallet was created.

  • Wallet name — the name of a global wallet in the system.

Click the check mark icon to apply the filters. To reset filters, click the cross icon.

On the Finance > Global wallets tab, you can find the following information:


The system identifier of a global wallet.

Name in node

The name of a global wallet in a node.


Confirmed and pending balance of the global wallet.


The node to which a global wallet is connected.

Created at

The date and time when a global wallet was created.

Export global wallets

Click this button to download the up-to-date balances report or subscribe to automatically receive scheduled reports. For more details, see Reports and Subscriptions.

Global wallet details

To view the detailed information about a global wallet, click the global wallet ID.

The details page features three tabs: Info, Send funds and Operating log. To navigate between them, click the menu button (☰) displayed in the middle right part of the screen.

The Info tab

In the upper part of the screen, you can see the global wallet address and the essential wallet information.

The Info tab may feature several sub-tabs depending on the blockchain currency and tokens available for the selected global wallet.

On the Info tab, you can also find the following information:

Node locked

The amount of funds blocked following the AML check. These funds cannot be withdrawn until the AML check is successful.

Available for withdraw

The amount of funds available for withdrawal from the blockchain wallet.

Blockchain balance

The total amount of funds in a blockchain wallet.

On the right part of the Info tab, you can view the information about the Turnover of the funds in the wallet for the last two months. This includes information about deposits, payouts and exchanges in US dollars and in wallet currency.

Here, you can also find information about commissions and markups charged to deposits and payouts in the selected global wallet for the last two months.

In the lower part of the screen you can find general information about a global wallet:

  • Information about the blockchain connection: its status, blockchain currency and the time when the last block was updated.

  • The date and time when a global wallet was created.

  • The date and time when a global wallet was updated.

  • Service address of the global wallet.

The Send funds tab

Upon navigating to the Send funds tab you are redirected to the Send funds of the Blockchain wallet details section. In this section, you can fill out the form to send funds from a selected blockchain wallet.

The Operation log tab

On this tab, you can view a log of notifications about all past events related to a selected global wallet.

Each notification indicates the event name, the reason why the notification was sent, the initiator of the event, as well as the date and time when the event has occurred.