Bank withdrawal

General information

A bank withdrawal is a withdrawal in fiat currency from a client’s wallet.

This option is available for Merchant clients that have passed the KYC check and whose requisites have been verified. Verification of requisites is performed by users with the Compliance role.

To filter the page data, click the down arrow located at the top of the table and adjust the following filter parameters:

  • ID — bank withdrawal identifier in the Back Office.

  • Wallet — the name of the wallet from which the bank withdrawal is made.

  • User — the email address of the wallet owner.

  • Company — the name of a client’s company.

  • Status — the bank withdrawal status. Possible values:

    • Pending consideration — the funds are withheld from the client’s account and the transaction awaits confirmation.

    • Under consideration — the transaction is awaiting for approval of the responsible Finance department member.

    • Approved — the bank withdrawal is approved.

    • Rejected — the bank withdrawal request is rejected and the transaction cannot be made.

  • Currency — the bank withdrawal currency.

  • Created at from — the starting date of the range.

  • to — the end date of the range.

Click the check mark icon to apply the filters. To reset filters, click the cross icon.

On the Finance > Bank withdrawal page, you can find information about all bank withdrawals made by Merchant clients:


The bank withdrawal identifier.


The client’s email.


The amount withdrawn.


The currency in which the bank withdrawal is made.


The bank withdrawal status:

  • Pending consideration — the funds are withheld from the client’s account and the transaction awaits confirmation.

  • Under consideration — the transaction is awaiting for approval of the responsible Finance department member.

  • Approved — the bank withdrawal is approved.

  • Rejected — the bank withdrawal request is rejected and the transaction cannot be made.

Created at

The date and time when the withdrawal request is made.

Bank withdrawal details

To view bank withdrawal details, click the withdrawal ID.

On the details page, you can find the data related to the Bank withdrawal and Bank details.

You can also approve or reject pending bank withdrawals (the ones with the Pending consideration status) by clicking the Approve or Reject button.

The Bank withdrawal data includes the following:

  • Wallet — the wallet name and wallet currency.

  • Amount requested — the withdrawal amount including the commission.

  • Commission — the commission amount.

  • Amount to send — the withdrawal amount excluding the commission.

  • Status — the withdrawal status.

  • User description — the message sent to the client when the withdrawal is made (this message is sent to the client email after you click the Save button).

  • Internal description — any additional information that is considered important (this message intended for internal use only and isn’t revealed to clients; after specifying this field, click Save to apply the changes).

The Bank details data includes the following:

  • Bank details type — the type of the bank system (SWIFT or SEPA).

  • Bank’s name — the name of the bank.

  • Bank’s address — the address of the client’s bank.

  • Company’s address — the address of the client’s company.

  • Beneficiary — the recipient of the payment.

  • Iban — the bank account number.

  • Swift — the SWIFT code.

  • Currency — the withdrawal currency.

  • Is active — indicates whether the client account is active and the client can log in to the system.

If you updated any of the fields, click Save to apply the changes.

You can also change the state of the bank withdrawal to Approved or Rejected by clicking on their buttons.