
General information

On the Finance > Transfers page, you can find the details about all transfers made by B2BinPay clients.

To filter the page data, click the down arrow located at the top of the table and adjust the following filter parameters:

  • ID — the transaction identifier in the Back Office.

  • TXID — the unique transaction identifier in the blockchain.

  • Wallet — the wallet name from a list.

  • Operation typetransfer type.

  • Status — the transfer status:

    • Cancelled — the transfer is cancelled.

    • Blocked — the transfer is blocked.

    • Failed — the transfer is unsuccessful.

    • Created — the transfer request is accepted and awaits confirmation.

    • Unconfirmed — the transfer request is accepted, it awaits further confirmations and an AML check.

    • Confirmed — the transfer is successful.

  • Currency — the transfer currency from a list.

  • User callback status — the callback status:

    • Not needed — the callback value is not specified for the transfer.

    • Needed — the callback value is specified, but the transfer has not yet received the specified number of confirmations.

    • Sent — the transfer has received the required number of confirmations and the callback has been sent.

  • Operation ID — the transfer identifier assigned on the client side.

  • Company — the client company name from a list.

  • Blockchain wallet — the blockchain wallet from a list.

  • Created at — the time period or the exact date and time when the transfer is made.

  • Status updated at — the time period of the exact date and time when the transfer is updated.

Click the check mark icon to apply the filters. To reset filters, click the cross icon.

On the Finance > Transfers page, the following data is provided about each transfer:


The transfer identifier in the Back Office.


The date and time when the transfer occurred.


The transfer currency.


The transfer type, such as bank withdrawal, deposit or dust.


The transaction identifier in the blockchain. Click it to navigate to the blockchain explorer.


The transfer amount, both in the wallet currency and its equivalent in USD.


The blockchain fee, both in the wallet currency and its equivalent in USD.


The commission charged for the transfer.

Source amount

The full transfer amount, including the commission.

Target amount

The actual transfer amount, excluding the commission.


For Merchant clients, the exchange rate at the time the transfer occurred.


The transfer and user callback status.


The name of the wallet on which the transfer occurred. Click it to drill down to the wallet details.


The number of confirmations, in the x / y format, where:

  • x` is the number of confirmations the transfer has received

  • y is the number of confirmations still needed for the transfer to occur

An infinite x indicates that the transfer has received over 99 confirmations.


To resend a callback, click Resend callback. Click Retry to resend a transfer that has failed with the Failed status.


An internal message stored in the transfer Details.

Status updated at

The date and time when the transfer is updated.


Click this button to download the up-to-date balances report or subscribe to automatically receive scheduled reports. For more details, see Reports and Subscriptions.

Transfer details

This page is displayed upon clicking the transfer ID.

The details page features the following tabs: Info, Last callback, Operating log, Replace by fee. To navigate between them, click the menu button (☰) displayed in the middle right part of the screen.

Info tab

In the left part of the screen, you can find the transaction details:

Block number

The block number reached by the transfer.


The transfer hash number.

ID in node

The transfer identifier in the node. You can refer to this ID for troubleshooting.

Rate base

The conversion rate to the system base currency. It is traced for reports and data aggregation purposes.

Rate wallet

The conversion rate to the target wallet currency.

AML risk, %

The transaction risk level, as a percentage.

Risk next check at

The date and time of the next AML check to be made on the transaction.

User callback

Additional information, including the user callback status.


The transfer status.

  • Cancelled — the transfer is cancelled (used for payout transfers).

  • Blocked — the transfer is blocked (used for deposit transfers).

  • Failed — the transfer is unsuccessful.

  • Created — the transfer request is accepted and awaits confirmation.

  • Unconfirmed — the transfer request is accepted, it awaits further confirmations and an AML check.

  • Confirmed — the transfer is successful and the funds were credited to the designated wallet.

Internal description

Any additional information that is considered important. It is intended for internal use only and will not be revealed to clients.

Description for user

A message sent to a client after the transaction is made (the one specified in the Description column on the Transfers page).

In the right part of the screen, you can find the details about the selected transfer:

Transaction hash

The transaction hash. You can copy this hash or click it to navigate to the blockchain explorer.


The transferred amount, in the wallet currency and USD.

Source amount

The transferred amount including the commission, in the wallet currency and USD.

Target amount

The transfer amount excluding the commission, in the wallet currency and USD.


The commission for processing the transfer, in the wallet currency and USD.

Profit hedge

The hedged amount of the conversion risks, in the wallet currency.


The blockchain fee, in the wallet currency and USD.

On this page, you can also find out the name of the client’s wallet from which the transfer is made and the name of the transaction (such as Deposit, Payout, Global wallet deposit), as well as the date and time when the transfer is made and updated, see error messages and other information.

Last callback tab

In the left part of the screen, you can view information about the last callback that has been sent.

Time received

The date and time when the callback is received by the client.

Time sent

The date and time when the callback is sent.


The URL address to which the callback is sent.


The number of attempts to send the callback.


The callback status. Possible values:

  • New

  • In progress

  • Sent

  • Failed


The callback type. Possible values:

  • Fail — the transfer failed in the system.

  • Confirmation — the transfer is successful and the funds are sent to the designated client’s address.

  • User confirmation — the number of confirmations specified by a client is sent to the client.

  • Manual — the callback is resent manually from the Transfers page. This can be useful in cases when the client cannot receive the callback, for example, due to network connection issues and so on.

  • Block — the transfer is blocked (for example, after AML check).

  • Unblock — the transfer is unblocked.

  • Cancel — the transfer is cancelled.

  • No transfer — the funds were not sent to Merchant client until the expiration time of the invoice specified when creating the invoice. Such callback contains deposit with the Cancelled status.

In the right part of this screen, you can find the code of a response body and payload data. Click the links to view this code.

Operation log tab

On this tab, you can view a log of notifications about all past events related to the selected transfer.

Each notification indicates the event name, the reason why the notification is sent, the client that has initiated the event, as well as the date and time when the event has occurred.

Replace by fee tab

Some transfers can stuck in the blockchain due to the low blockchain fee selected by a client. It is possible to speed up the processing of such transfers on the Replace by fee tab.

To do this, specify the fee amount in the Fee amount field and click Replace. The stuck transfer will be replaced with the new one. The new transfer will have the same transfer amount but the new fee specified in the Fee amount field. The transfer will also be assigned a new transaction identifier in the blockchain (TXID).

AML withdrawal tab

This tab is displayed if some transfers were blocked.

If a transfer request is blocked, it can be sent to another address using the form displayed on this tab. The funds will be transferred to the specified address and the transfer will be marked as failed.