
General information

On the Trading > Transfers page, you can find the details about the transfers related to exchange operations.

You can use filters to do a quick search. To expand all filters, click the down arrow at the top of the table.

You can filter the data by the following criteria:

  • ID — the transaction identifier in the Back Office.

  • Operation type — the type of the operation related to the order. Possible values:

    • Deposit — a deposit to the client wallet.

    • Payout — a withdrawal from the client wallet.

    • Transportation service — the token transportation fee. The funds are withdrawn in the base token currency from the virtual wallet. The payment includes both the blockchain fees and dust.

  • Applicant — a client who has performed an exchange operation.

  • Date from to — the time period or the exact date and time when the transfer was made.

Click the check mark icon to apply the filters. To reset filters, click the cross icon.

On the Trading > Transfers page, you can find the following information:


The transfer identifier in the Back Office.


The operation type. Possible values:

  • Deposit — a deposit to the client wallet.

  • Payout — a withdrawal from the client wallet.

  • Transportation service — the token transportation fee. The funds are withdrawn in the base token currency from the virtual wallet. The payment includes both the blockchain fees and dust.


The client who has performed an exchange operation.

Trading order

The identifier of the order that was created as a result of hedging of the exchange operation as well as the result of the hedging (success or fail). This is a link to the order details.

From amount

The amount of the exchange operation in the debiting currency.

Symbol from

The indication of the symbol of the debiting currency.

To amount

The amount of the exchange operation in the crediting currency.

Symbol to

The indication of the symbol of the crediting currency.


The markup value, in percents. This value represents the profit B2BinPay expects from the exchange operation.

Final markup

The markup value that represents actual profit or loss from the exchange operation.

Profit (USD)

Profit or loss from the exchange operation before hedging, in base currency.

Profit after hedging in target currency

The profit or loss calculated after hedging, in target currency.


The transaction identifier in the blockchain. Click the link to navigate to the blockchain explorer.


The date and time when the transfer occurred.


Click this button to download the up-to-date balances report or subscribe to automatically receive scheduled reports. For more details, see Reports and Subscriptions.

Transfer details

To view the detailed information about a transfer, click the exchange ID.

On the details page, you can view the following information about a transfer:

Amount from

The exchange operation amount in the debiting wallet (without blockchain fee).

Currency from

The debiting currency.

Amount to

The amount of the exchange operation in the crediting currency.

Currency to

The crediting currency.


A client who has performed an exchange operation.

Op type

The operation type. Possible values:

  • Deposit — a deposit to the client wallet.

  • Payout — a withdrawal from the client wallet.

  • Transportation service — the token transportation fee. The funds are withdrawn in the base token currency from the virtual wallet. The payment includes both the blockchain fees and dust.

Trading order

The identifier of the order that was created as a result of hedging of the exchange operation as well as the result of the hedging (success or fail). Click the See details button to navigate to the order details.

Here, you can also find essential Profit and Loss information:


The value that represents the profit that B2BinPay is expected, in percents.

Final markup

The value that represents actual profit or loss from the exchange operation, in percents. This value is calculated as follows: Final markup = 100 - (Final rate * 100 / trading_rate), where:

  • trading_rate is a rate of the closed order on the exchange (if it was a Sell side, the trading rate is used; if it was a Buy side, 1 is divided to the trading rate).

Profit base

Profit or loss before hedging, in base currency. This value is calculated as follows: Profit base = income_amount + profit_dust - loss_amount - spent_fee, where:

  • profit_dust is greater than zero only for OMNI tokens

  • loss_amount is the amount of transfer made from the global wallet to a client’s wallet; this amount is multiplied by the backoffice raw rate value (rate without markup)

  • spent_fee is the amount of dust and blockchain fee charged for token transportation; for coins it is a blockchain fee

Profit target with hedging

The profit or loss calculated after hedging, in target currency. This value is calculated depending on the side of the hedging order:

  • For the Sell side the formula is as follows: profit_hedge_target = trade_target - backoffice_target - spent_fee, where:

    • spent_fee is the sum of dust and blockchain fee multiplied by the Delivery costs rate to target value that is spent for the token transportation to a client’s wallet; for coins, it is a blockchain fee

    • backoffice_target is the amount of transfer from the global wallet to a client’s wallet

    • trade_target is the trading_order.external_total

  • For the Buy side the formula is as follows: profit_hedge_target = backoffice_target_from_source - trade_target - spent_fee, where:

    • spent_fee is the sum of dust and blockchain fee multiplied by the Delivery costs rate to target value that is spent for the token transportation to a client’s wallet; for coins, it is a blockchain fee

    • backoffice_target_from_source is the transfer amount sent from the global wallet and multiplied by the Backoffice raw rate

    • trade_target is the value calculated as trading_order.external_total * Backoffice raw rate