
General information

On the Support page, you can find information about the providers of technical support services.

To filter providers by their current status, use the Is enabled option.

Click the check mark icon to apply the filters. To reset filters, click the cross icon.

On the Providers > Support page, you can find the following information:


The support provider name in the system.


The hostname of a support provider.


The status of a support provider.

Support providers details

To view support providers details, click the provider alias. On the page that is displayed, you can view and edit general information about a support provider:


The host address of a support provider.


The login for accessing a support provider.


The password for accessing a support provider.


The second API key that, along with a password, is required for accessing a support provider.

Department ID

The department identifier.

Is enabled

The status of a support provider. Toggle the switch to change the status.

After specifying the required options, click Save to apply the changes.