
General information

On the Service > Countries page, you can view a list of countries available in B2BinPay.

To filter the page data, click the down arrow located at the top of the table and adjust the following filter parameters:

  • ISO — the numeric country code, as per ISO 3166. For example, 840 is for the US.

  • Name — the country name. Start entering a name to select from a list of suggested options.

  • Is enabled — the status assigned to the country.

Click the check mark icon to apply the filters. To reset filters, click the cross icon.

On the Service > Countries page, the following information is provided about each country:


The country name.

Alpha codes

A three-letter country code, such as USA.


The country name.

Enabled Allowed

If enabled, the country is displayed/available in [TBD]. Possible values:

  • enabled

  • disabled

Country details

To view country details, click the country ISO.

On the details page, you can change the status of a country. If enabled, the country is displayed/available in [TBD]